Network protocols.
This module implements support for the following network protocols:
SNS network protocol
Base support for accessing Scanco database records and files
XF network protocol
Base support for accessing XF database records as JSON
FSS network protocol
File Storage Service access to bulk files
Access Tokens
Direct Access
- class network.AuthorizationToken(token_base64: str)¶
An authorization token for the FSS protocol.
- class AuthorizationScope(scope_string: str)¶
The scope of a authorization token.
- get_xml_element_text(document: Element, element_name: str) str ¶
Get the XML element’s text value.
- get_xml_optional_element_text(document: Element, element_name: str) str | None ¶
Get the optional XML element’s text value.
- class network.Connection(host: str, port: int | str, auth: str)¶
A network connection to a SNS or XF server.
- check_status(response: HTTPResponse, allow_status: List[int] | None = None) None ¶
Check HTTP status and raise exception for unexpected errors.
- close() None ¶
Close the connection.
- delete(url: str, allow_status: List[int] | None = None) bytes ¶
Send a HTTP DELETE request and read the response body.
- get(url: str, allow_status: List[int] | None = None) bytes ¶
Send a HTTP GET request and read the response body.
- get_error_response_json_message(response: HTTPResponse, response_body: bytes, default_message: str) str ¶
Try to extract a JSON Message from the error response.
- get_json(url: str) Any ¶
Send a HTTP GET request an parse the JSON response.
- head_response(url: str, allow_status: List[int] | None = None) HTTPResponse ¶
Send a HTTP HEAD request and return the processed (read) HTTP response object.
- post(url: str, content_type: str, data: Any, allow_status: List[int] | None = None) bytes ¶
Send a HTTP POST request and read the response body.
- post_json(url: str, json_data: Any) Any ¶
Send a HTTP JSON POST request an parse the JSON response.
- put(url: str, content_type: str, data: Any, allow_status: List[int] | None = None) bytes ¶
Send a HTTP PUT request and read the response body.
- put_json(url: str, json_data: Any) Any ¶
Send a HTTP JSON PUT request an parse the JSON response.
- request_with_retry(method: str, url: str, data: bytes | None, headers: Dict[str, str], allow_status: List[int] | None) HTTPResponse ¶
Send a HTTP request and return the unprocessed HTTP response object. Retry once if there is a connection error.
- unprocessed_delete_response(url: str, allow_status: List[int] | None = None) HTTPResponse ¶
Send a HTTP DELETE request and return the unprocessed HTTP response object.
- unprocessed_get_response(url: str, allow_status: List[int] | None = None) HTTPResponse ¶
Send a HTTP GET request and return the unprocessed HTTP response object.
- unprocessed_head_response(url: str, allow_status: List[int] | None = None) HTTPResponse ¶
Send a HTTP HEAD request and return the unprocessed HTTP response object.
- unprocessed_post_response(url: str, content_type: str, data: Any, allow_status: List[int] | None = None) HTTPResponse ¶
Send a HTTP POST request and return the unprocessed HTTP response object.
- unprocessed_put_response(url: str, content_type: str, data: Any, allow_status: List[int] | None = None) HTTPResponse ¶
Send a HTTP PUT request and return the unprocessed HTTP response object.
- class network.DirectAccessHeader(protocol: str, name: str, path: str)¶
A parsed X-FSS-DirectAccess header value.
- is_direct_access_possible() bool ¶
Is direct access possible?
- static try_parse_response_header(response: HTTPResponse) DirectAccessHeader | None ¶
Try to parse a direct access header value.
- exception network.UnexpectedStatusError¶
Unexpected HTTP status code.
- network.basic_authentication(username_password: str) str ¶
Create a HTTP Basic Authentication header value.
- network.bearer_authentication(token: AuthorizationToken) str ¶
Create a HTTP Bearer Authentication header value.
- network.delete_empty_directory_on_filestorage(token: AuthorizationToken, *, missing_ok: bool = False) bool ¶
Delete an empty directory on FSS. Return True if it was empty or missing (if ok), False if not.
- network.delete_file_on_filestorage(token: AuthorizationToken, *, allow_direct_access: bool = True) None ¶
Delete a file on FSS, or just delete it directly locally if possible.
- network.file_exists_on_filestorage(token: AuthorizationToken) bool ¶
Check if a file exists on FSS.
- network.get_file_from_filestorage(token: AuthorizationToken, filename: _AnyPath, *, copy_even_on_direct_access: bool = True, allow_direct_access: bool = True, max_block_size: int = 8192) Path ¶
Download a file from FSS, or just access it directly locally if possible.
- network.get_file_size_from_filestorage(token: AuthorizationToken) int ¶
Get the size of a file from FSS.
- network.get_sns_meas_dir_token(conn: Connection, sample_index: str, measurement_index: str, scope: str = 'list', project_serial: str | None = None) AuthorizationToken ¶
Request a FSS auth token to access a SNS measurement directory.
- network.get_sns_meas_file_token(conn: Connection, sample_index: str, measurement_index: str, filename: str, scope: str = 'read', project_serial: str | None = None) AuthorizationToken ¶
Request a FSS auth token to access SNS a measurement file.
- network.get_sns_token(conn: Connection, scopes: List[Tuple[str, str]], hierarchy: str | None = None) AuthorizationToken ¶
Request a generic SNS FSS auth token.
- network.get_virtualpath_dirname(path: str) str ¶
Extract directory name from a virtualpath.
- network.get_virtualpath_filename(path: str) str ¶
Extract filename from a virtualpath.
- network.list_files_and_folders_on_filestorage(token: AuthorizationToken, *, missing_ok: bool = False) Tuple[List[Dict], List[Dict]] ¶
List the files and folders on FSS.
- network.list_files_on_filestorage(token: AuthorizationToken, *, missing_ok: bool = False) List[Dict] ¶
List the files on FSS.
- network.percent_encode_relaxed_virtualpath(path: str) str ¶
Percent-encode relaxed characters in the virtualpath.
- network.put_file_to_filestorage(filename: _AnyPath, token: AuthorizationToken, content_type: str = 'application/octet-stream', *, allow_direct_access: bool = True, max_block_size: int = 100000000, renew_token: Callable[[], AuthorizationToken] | None = None) None ¶
Upload a file to FSS, or just access it directly locally if possible.
- network.sns_translate_logical(conn: Connection, name: str, project_serial: str | None = None) str ¶
Translate a logical via SNS.
- network.try_get_direct_access_path(token: AuthorizationToken) Path | None ¶
Check if directly accessing the path locally is possible and return its path.
- network.try_parse_virtualpath_schema_sns_measurement(virtualpath: str) Tuple[str, str, str, str] | None ¶
Try to parse a @sns/measurement/ virtualpath.
- network.virtualpath_join_file(*paths: str) str ¶
Combines virtualpath elements to a file path.
- network.virtualpath_join_folder(*paths: str) str ¶
Combines virtualpath elements to a folder path.
- network.virtualpath_parent_folder(path: str) str ¶
Extract virtualpath of the parent folder path.