Release of XamFlow 1.9.5¶
Improved support for units.
Improved interactive thresholding: Support calibrated threshold template values.
Improved interactive Rotated VOI UI: Show colored axes.
Improved import of DICOM files, and added support for DICOMDIR files.
Improved import of SkyScan images: Allow importing dynamic range scaling factors from SkyScan NRecon .log files.
Improved import: Added support for importing images from .npy file format.
Improved export of binary masks to black & white TIFF files.
Added support for generic value (Float, Int, String, Bool) to be defined once and reused automatically in subsequent runs.
Added task type for “Local SMI”.
Added task type for medial axis and medial surface thinning.
Added task type to calculate equivalent diameter and shape factor.
Added task type to measure properties of objects in 2D images, like area, perimeter, roundness, eccentricity, …
Added optional support for using the Zig programming language in task types.
Fixed problem in “Slice Porosity” task type when a mask is used.