Release of XamFlow 1.9.3¶
Support pausing tasks / runs (via priority level ‘’Paused’’).
Support importing images in .raw format.
Support importing images in Zeiss header.txt raw export format.
Support importing images in PyHST .vol.xml format.
Support RGB color images better.
Support scrolling through image slices via CTRL+mouse wheel in 2D views.
Support Bone Joint Space Width analysis via ORMIR_XCT.
Added more task types for processing of CSV spreadsheet tables.
Added histogram matching task type.
Improved workflow editor: Allow connecting tasks by drag-and-drop in more scenarios.
Improved DICOM import.
Improved ImageJ support.
Improved Table Report: Add ‘’Entity Run Name’’ column by default.
Improved animation support: Animate object properties like transparency for individual segments.
Improved animation support: Better camera controls.
Improved naming of runs based on sample name for ISQ and AIM file formats.
Fixed minor problem with “Append Task” and default favorites.
Fixed minor problem with “Start Workflow” confirmation dialog.
Fixed minor problem with dialogs being too large in some scenarios.
Fixed minor problem with logs files appearing only slowly.