XamFlow Server Installation Guide

This installation guide describes the process to install XamFlow Server on a computer running Microsoft Windows.

XamFlow Server is a central database which is accessed through web APIs.


Server Setup Tool

This guide describes the manual process to install XamFlow Server. Using the Server Setup Tool is recommended instead.


  • Open a new Command Prompt run as administrator

  • Install PostgreSQL 15.x Win x86-64:

    set PG_INSTALL="C:\XamFlow\PostgreSQL\15"

    set PG_BIN="C:\XamFlow\PostgreSQL\15\bin"

    set PG_DATA="C:\XamFlow\Database\15"

    set PG_SERVICE_NAME=xamflow-postgresql-x64-15

    set PG_PORT=44308

  • Create a new cluster:

    • md %PG_DATA%

    • icacls.exe %PG_DATA% /grant *S-1-5-32-545:(OI)(CI)M

    • %PG_BIN%\pg_ctl.exe init -D %PG_DATA% -o "-A scram-sha-256 -E UTF8 --locale=""English, United States"" -U postgres -W"

    • Choose an arbitrary superuser password for the database.

  • Register PostgreSQL as a Windows service:

    • %PG_BIN%\pg_ctl.exe register -D %PG_DATA% -N %PG_SERVICE_NAME% -U "NT Authority\NetworkService" -S auto -o "-p %PG_PORT%"

    • sc.exe config %PG_SERVICE_NAME% DisplayName= "XamFlow PostgreSQL Server"

    • sc.exe description %PG_SERVICE_NAME% "Provides relational database storage."

    • sc.exe start %PG_SERVICE_NAME%

  • Create a new database xamflow:

    %PG_BIN%\createdb.exe -p %PG_PORT% -U postgres xamflow

  • Run following SQL scripts in the given order:

    • init_migrations.sql

    • install_activitylog_0000-XXXX.sql

    • install_filestorage_0000-XXXX.sql

    • install_xamflowadmin_0000-XXXX.sql

    • install_xamflow_0000-XXXX.sql

    • init_superuser.sql

    You can run an SQL script with the following commands:

    %PG_BIN%\psql.exe -f install_xamflow_0000-XXXX.sql -U postgres xamflow

    (When asked provide the database superuser password specified when creating the PostgreSQL cluster above.)

  • Run the following SQL commands, replace XXXX with the target version number of the file above:

    • SELECT public.complete_migration('activitylog', 'XXXX');

    • SELECT public.complete_migration('filestorage', 'XXXX');

    • SELECT public.complete_migration('xamflowadmin', 'XXXX');

    • SELECT public.complete_migration('xamflow', 'XXXX');

    You can run an SQL command with the following command:

    %PG_BIN%\psql.exe -c "SELECT public.complete_migration('xamflow', 'XXXX');" -U postgres xamflow

    (When asked provide the database superuser password specified when creating the PostgreSQL cluster above.)

IIS Web Server

Windows 10 or later

  • Activate IIS by turning the following Windows Features on (in Control Panel):

    • Internet Information Services (Checking the top-level box checks some nested boxes.)

  • Ensure the following boxes are checked:

    • Internet Information Services ‣ Web Management Tools ‣ IIS Management Console

  • Some additional nested boxes must also be checked manually:

    • Internet Information Services ‣ World Wide Web Services ‣ Security ‣ Basic Authentication

Windows Server 2016 or later

  • In Server Manager:

    • Add server role Web Server (IIS) with the following additional role services:

      • Web Server ‣ Security ‣ Basic Authentication


Web Services

  • Extract the contents of Lucid.XamFlow.WebApi win64.zip into the folder C:\inetpub\apps\xamflow\.

    • Create a Logs subdirectory and grant Modify permission to Users.

    • Create a Config subdirectory and grant Modify permission to Users.

  • Create and import certificates (see Certificates Guide).

  • Start IIS Manager.

  • Server Certificate:

    • Import a X.509 certificate for the domain name of the machine.

  • Add the following application pool:

    • XamFlowServerAppPool

  • Add the following website:

    • xamflow

      • application pool: select XamFlowServerAppPool

      • physical path: C:\inetpub\apps\xamflow\

      • port: 44303

      • binding: https (Use the certificate imported before.)

      • host name [1]: domain name of the machine (same as DNS Name in Subject Alternative Name of certificate)

  • Restart IIS



  • Open XamFlow WebAdmin (https://your-domain-name:44303/admin/):

    • Login as XamFlow superuser with password superuser.

    • Adjust the XamFlow superuser password.

    • Create a user.

    • Create a user group.

    • Add the user to the user group.

    • Give the group admin permission if desired.

    • Optional: Create further users, groups and permissions.

    • Register a file storage mapping for @xf/.

      • Create the mapped folders on disk and grant Modify permission to Users.

Windows Firewall

  • Create an inbound rule for TCP ports 44303 to allow access.


In case of problems, please see the log files in following locations:

  • Application log: C:\inetpub\apps\xamflow\Logs\

  • IIS Access log: C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC...\

  • IIS HTTP Error log: %SystemRoot%\system32\LogFiles\HTTPERR\httperr1.log

  • IIS Trace Logging for failed requests: C:\inetpub\logs\FailedReqLogFiles\

(Note: You may have to tell Windows that you want to access a protected parent folder first.)