XamFlow Server Installation Guide

This installation guide describes the process to install XamFlow Server on a computer running Microsoft Windows.

XamFlow Server is an extension of SWAP Server (central database node) which is accessed through web APIs.


This guide assumes that SWAP Server and FileStorage Service have already been installed.



  • Run the following SQL script:

    • install_xamflow_0000-XXXX.sql

    You can run an SQL script with the following commands:

    set PG_BIN="C:\XamFlow\PostgreSQL\15\bin"

    %PG_BIN%\psql.exe -f install_xamflow_0000-XXXX.sql -U postgres swap

    (When asked provide the database master password specified during installation of SWAP.)

  • Run the following SQL command, replace XXXX with the target version number of the file above:

    SELECT public.complete_migration('xamflow', 'XXXX');

    You can run an SQL command with the following command:

    %PG_BIN%\psql.exe -c "SELECT public.complete_migration('xamflow', 'XXXX');" -U postgres swap

    (When asked provide the database master password specified in the PostgreSQL setup above.)

IIS Web Server

  • Extract the contents of Lucid.XamFlow.WebApiSWAP win64.zip into the folder C:\inetpub\apps\xamflow\.

    • Create a Logs subdirectory and grant Modify permission to Users.

    • Create a Config subdirectory and grant Modify permission to Users.

  • Create a file C:\inetpub\apps\xamflow\Config\string\SWAP.ServerId.config containing just the ID of the server. (Must match the server ID of any node-locked application licenses.)

  • Add the following website:

    • xamflow

      • application pool: Make sure it supports .NET CLR version 4.0 (e.g. use DefaultAppPool)

      • physical path: C:\inetpub\apps\xamflow\

      • port: 44303

      • binding: https (Use the certificate imported before.)

      • host name [1]: domain name of the machine (same as DNS Name in Subject Alternative Name of certificate)



  • Open SWAP WebAdmin (https://your-domain-name:44300/admin/):

    • Register a file storage mapping for @xf/.

      • Create the mapped folders on disk and grant Modify permission to Users.

Windows Firewall

  • Create an inbound rule for TCP ports 44303 to allow access.


In case of problems, please see the log files in following locations:

  • Application log: C:\inetpub\apps\xamflow\Logs\

  • IIS Access log: C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC...\

  • IIS HTTP Error log: %SystemRoot%\system32\LogFiles\HTTPERR\httperr1.log

  • IIS Trace Logging for failed requests: C:\inetpub\logs\FailedReqLogFiles\

(Note: You may have to tell Windows that you want to access a protected parent folder first.)